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A New Sentinel

Hello there readers, and welcome back to the Library blog. Some of you may be aware that recent security measures taken by maritime shipping and military forces have contributed to a marked decrease in piracy across the globe, especially off the coast of Somalia. Measures such as arming ships crews, attacking pirate strongholds and increasing naval patrols have all helped reduce this blight on our waterways. However, many people are worried that one measure in particular – arming ships crews – may have a greater negative effect than it does positive gain. In response to arming crews, some pirates are increasing their own firepower and ruthlessness in order to capture their prize.

A Filipino Pirate poses with an M-14. Photo by Nitin Vadakul. From The Mariners’ Museum Library collection.

But hope is not lost! The new security company Marine MTS based in the British city of Aberdeen has developed a new remote vessel tracking system called Sentinel. Sentinel is a software package that monitors the location of a vessel on the water, and can compare this location to local weather and security warnings in order to help the vessel avoid them. In addition, if the vessel departs from its intended course, it can be tracked and followed by operators at Maritime MTS.

This container ship can voyage easier knowing they have an “Eye in the Sky,” so to speak. From The Mariners’ Museum Library collection.

This revolutionary new software bundle is an important improvement for security forces that need to monitor and follow pirates. Instead of arming cargo ships and exponentially increasing the danger for everyone on board, commercial ships could instead adopt Sentinel and use it to either avoid pirate-infested waters or locate the ship if it’s captured.

For more information, click HERE.

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