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  • Princess Carolina Update: Treatment Testing and Small Artifact Work

    • Conservation
    • Science

    We’ve spent quite a bit of time over the last year or so researching treatment options for the Princess Carolina timbers that have acidic areas.

  • Beyond the Known

    From brilliant young polymath Andrew Rader — an MIT-credentialed scientist, popular podcast host, and mission manager — an illuminating chronicle of exploration that spotlights humans’ insatiable desire to continually push into new and uncharted territory, from civilization’s earliest days to current planning for interstellar travel.

  • Science in the Field – Measuring Your Soil Acidity

    • Mariners' Park
    • Science

    One of the coolest things about working at The Mariners’ Museum and Park is seeing how science has been, well, a thing, since the very beginning. The fact that we were doing soil pH measurement as early as the 1930’s is something that deserves a little more discussion.

  • The Bronze Door Society Paves the Way for New Possibilities at the Museum!

    • Conservation
    • Science
    • Technology

    The new Zeiss Axioscope 5 will allow conservators and scientists to view samples at high magnification with polarized light, darkfield and brightfield illumination, and ultraviolet visible fluorescence. These analytical features, in conjunction with our new workstation, camera, and imaging software, will allow us to view, capture, and share information that we previously could not attain in-house.

  • World Water Day – Monitoring the Water Quality of Mariners’ Lake

    • Conservation
    • Environmental Conservation
    • Mariners' Park
    • Science
    • Technology

    On a day dedicated to the sustainable use of water, we thought we would talk about our efforts to monitor and conserve our waterway, Mariners’ Lake.

  • I-Arghhhh: The Use of an Infrared (IR) Camera in Conservation

    • Conservation
    • Photography
    • Science
    • Technology

    Last month, Dr. Molly McGath and I unveiled conservation’s infrared camera to the public during the ‘Be My Mariner’ event. Visitors created Valentines for their special someones, and included a ‘secret’ message that only our IR camera could reveal.

  • The Bronze Door Society Saves the Day!

    • Conservation
    • Science
    • Technology

    I placed my samples in the IC autosampler, started the run and left to do my research in the wet-lab. An hour later I came to check on the IC, and it had stopped working. . .

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