Connections Through Continued Learning
The Speakers Bureau at The Mariners’ Museum and Park is composed of staff and experienced volunteers who bring vastness, importance, and energy of maritime topics and initiatives to groups throughout the Hampton Roads area. We invite you to connect with us either in person or online!
Programs cost $50.
For in person groups, a small fee will be assessed to cover travel costs.
We are happy to work with you to customize your experience to meet the needs of your group!
Programs are scheduled based on speaker availability.
African American Medal of Honor Recipients
and the Integration of the US Navy
Presenter: Ed Moore
At the outbreak of the American Civil Wa,r Secretary of the Navy Gideon Welles needed sailors to carry out his blockade of the South. Though already long integrated, Welles eliminated the long established quota system for sailors by race, enabling African Americans to become one-in-six of American Naval personnel. Eight of these men were awarded the Medal of Honor for dramatic heroism in battle.
Africans and African Americans in the Maritime World
Presenter: Wisteria Perry
Discover the influences of Africans and African Americans across the centuries and throughout the maritime world.
Egypt in Africa
Presenter: Erika Cosme
Ancient Egyptians as part of African and Black history is one of the most polarized ongoing debates. Present day scientists, historians, and authors alike, along with those who advocate for and study Black, African, and African American history and culture have all contemplated the correlation of Egyptian/African culture. Egypt in Africa explores the modern-day question and conversation that asks: are Egyptians black? The program does not aim to answer the question, but rather introduces how this topic became a discussion. By comparing ancient texts and images to modern scientific findings, this discussion aims to help further understand the relationship of Ancient Egyptians to modern African and Black culture and history.
Waters of Hope and Despair: African Americans and the Chesapeake Bay
Presenter: Wisteria Perry
Discover the major influences and impact that Africans and African Americans have had on the Chesapeake Bay since the early 1600s through today.
Doris “Dorie” Miller: An American Hero
Presenter: Ed Moore
The events of Pearl Harbor are among our nation’s darkest moments in history. In the face of danger, Doris “Dorie” Miller, an African American sailor, stepped up and defended his country in a way no person of color in the US Navy had done before. His actions earned him honors and recognition, which we still remember today in film and ships which bear his name. Dorie Miller’s heroic story looks at the segregated Navy of the past, and represents how his actions helped spur the integration of the US Navy.
Carthage: Empire of Africa
Presenter: Erika Cosme
Discover the connection between an ancient and modern city. Along the Mediterranean coast in North Africa sits the Republic of Tunisia. Although a small country today, Tunisia’s role in maritime history has been significant. Why? Because this area was once home to the great city of Carthage. As a major port, Carthage was at the epicenter for trade and commerce in the ancient world. But like ancient Egypt, the continued influx of European and Eurasian cultures heavily influenced how Tunisia developed within the African continent and has impacted modern views in the African and Black communities in the country.
Spend a While on the Nile
Presenter: Erika Cosme
Often associated with the ancient Egyptians, the Nile has provided and supported life throughout many countries in Africa. It is connected to several other major bodies of water, and has impacted the development of African cultures for thousands of years. Set out as we present on one of the world’s fascinating wonders that has been a source of life for centuries.
Nilotic People of Africa
Presenter: Erika Cosme
The Nile River has long provided resources for humans to cultivate within Africa. Nilotes are one of several cultures which have made their homes and livelihood along the Nile region. For thousands of years, they have migrated along the Nile’s tributaries, populating the African landscape. “Nilotic Peoples of Africa” delves into the cultures, traditions, and practices of many of these tribal groups, and how they are viewed in our world today.
Along Africa’s Swahili Coast
Presenter: Wisteria Perry
Stretching 1,800 miles down the eastern coast and with its Indigenous African, Middle Eastern and Asian influences, the Swahili coast has been a place of historical, cultural, economic, and political interactions and exchanges for thousands of years.
Sea of Sand: Traversing the Trans-Saharan Trade Routes
Presenter: Wisteria Perry
Discover how these once ancient routes connected much of North and West Africa to the rest of the known world through desert sands and surrounding waterways
Africa Before the Trade
Presenter: Erika Cosme
The continent and people of Africa have one of the longest, earliest histories. But these peoples and histories are often overshadowed by one of the darkest ages in human history: the Trans- Atlantic Slave Trade. So, let’s step back before the 400 years of enslavement. Instead, let’s learn about Africa as a continent of diverse landscapes, the people and civilizations who flourished there, the trade and goods that connected cultures, and the exchange of ideas. This program focuses on these topics and others as we explore Africa’s role in maritime and human history before 1500.
Investigating the Transatlantic Slave Trade
Presenter: Wisteria Perry
Examining the early years of Portuguese and European exploration and the beginnings of the slave trade to the Western hemisphere, we will assess how the trade evolved into a vast and systematic institution that spanned four major continents over the course of 400 years.
Europe Travelogue 1920s-1930s
Presenter: Sarah Puckitt
All armchair travelers are invited to join Curator of Photography Sarah Scruggs on a journey to several European cities between the World Wars. As a writer and photographer, Edward Hungerford (1875-1948) was passionate about trains. He produced his first pageant in 1927 for the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad company and six other transportation themed pageants would follow. He traveled extensively and found ways to get articles published. His collection of more than 6,000 negatives includes travels to Europe, Canada and other countries, in addition to the United States.
Romanticism and Commercial Patriotism in the Art of the Battle of Hampton Roads
Presenter: Kyra Duffley
While mostly associated with France, the artistic movement of Romanticism can be seen in the way in which the American Civil War was depicted in commercial art and print media. Focusing on prints depicting the Battle of Hampton Roads, this art-based program will be a discussion of the importance and influence of commercial prints and printmaking as well as the illustrated news during the Civil War to not only tell eyewitness accounts and create a commercialized patriotism, but also to make the Civil War the first “illustrated” war.
Photographer A. Aubrey Bodine Blurs the Line Between Art and Reportage
Presented by Sarah Puckitt
As a feature photographer for the Baltimore Sun for more than 45 years, A. Aubrey Bodine
documented the Chesapeake Bay region with the determination of a newspaperman and the
creativity of an artist. In this presentation, Bodine’s mastery of the photographic medium will be
shared through examples of his process and his passion for the craft. You’ll see stunning
images of the maritime industry, the bustling port of Baltimore, sailing, watermen, and the fishing
industry as well as places and lifestyles on the Chesapeake Bay that may no longer exist.
From the Dugout Canoe to the Carolina Skiff: The Evolution of Chesapeake Bay Workboats
Presenter: Dr. Paul Ewell
This presentation chronicles the workboats of the Chesapeake Bay from the early days of the log canoe through the era of modern fiberglass boats used by working watermen. Vessels featured include the pungy, pilot schooner, bugeye, skipjack, scow, buyboat, deadrise, and others. The presentation includes many photos depicting each type of boat and the fisheries in which it worked.
The Life and Times of an Eastern Shore Commercial Fishing Family
Presenter: Dr. Paul Ewell
The culture of the Eastern Shore of Virginia is one based on the age-old occupations of farming and fishing. Dr. Ewell recounts his childhood growing up on the Eastern Shore of Virginia in a working waterman family. He includes a discussion of the vessels his family worked and the different fisheries his family participated in as well as some great stories about the life of a poor fishing family in an equally poor fishing family.
Governor Cameron Wages War on the Eastern Shore of Virginia
Presenter: Dr. Paul Ewell
When most people think about the Chesapeake Bay oyster wars they often think about the battles that occurred between the states of Virginia and Maryland back and forth across the state line where the property was destroyed and lives were lost. Another (and lesser-known but just as exciting) series of battles pitted the Western Shore of the Chesapeake against the Eastern Shore. This is a presentation about the intra-state struggle within Virginia and involves daring Virginia oystermen from both shores, a governor of Virginia engaged in political struggles, and a couple of elusive pirate brides!
A Case for Character: Leadership Lessons
Learned from a 19th- century Eastern Shore Schooner Captain
Presenter: Dr. Paul Ewell
Captain Leonard S. Tawes was born on the Eastern Shore of Virginia, eventually settled in Crisfield, Maryland, and built a successful career as a coasting schooner captain hauling freight from Canada to South America and myriad destinations in between. While 19th Century ship captains were not especially known for always employing the most ethical leadership tactics, Capt. Tawes was a not so insignificant exception. A study of his life (much of it based on his own personal journal) reveals a leader who was highly successful in his industry and yet was known as being a kind, honest, and caring Eastern Shoreman. This presentation chronicles Capt. Len’s lifelong career, impeccable character, and tremendous success both as a master navigator and successful businessman.
Ancient Ships & Seafaring in the Mediterranean
Presenter: Erika Cosme
The Mediterranean Sea played a major role in early sea trade and travel. Primitive boat designs evolved into more sophisticated vessels that could travel farther and faster across larger bodies of water. As this evolution occurred, populations grew, and empires were developed. Ancient Ships and Seafaring in the Mediterranean introduces early boat development, popular cities and ports of trade, typical items exchanged, and the peoples who were involved in the growth of commerce around the Mediterranean Sea.
Are We the Vikings?
Presenter: Ron Lewis
Before the Age of Exploration early European explorers travelled to North America, among them the Vikings. But where, exactly, did they land? Where did they come from? How did they live? And where did they go after a couple of centuries of notoriety? During this interactive presentation, we’ll examine the myths and facts, learn how to write Viking runes, and, most importantly, decide whether WE are the Vikings!
Exploring the Mediterranean
Presenter: Wisteria Perry
The Mediterranean Sea was once the center of the world for many cultures throughout Europe, Asia, and Africa. Take a journey with The Mariners’ Museum and Park as we explore this important region and its place in maritime history.
Portuguese Voyages of Discovery Before the Age of Exploration
Presenter: Ron Lewis
What led to the era we call the Age of Exploration? There was no single factor but the Portuguese have long maintained supremacy in the history of European expansion into the four corners of the globe. This program examines the factors that spurred man’s thirst for discovery. You’ll learn of explorers such as Prince Henry “the Navigator”, and young Cristoforo Colon, the poster child for the great Age of Exploration.
Setting the Stage for an Age of Exploration
Presenter: Wisteria Perry
The Age of Exploration did not happen by chance. It was the product of an international trade system, birthed by centuries of cultural exchange. There was a web of political, economic, and cultural relationships, as well as the mythology and rumors, which inspired 15th-century Europeans to explore the globe.
Thymely Tips: A History of Spices That Spurred the Age of Exploration
Presenter: Wisteria Perry
Learn the origin of extravagant and exotic spices that we now consider commonplace and how that need led to the expansion of European exploration.
Escape from Fremantle: The Catalpa Rescue
Presenter: Erika Cosme
The Catalpa was not your ordinary 19th century whaling ship. It played a pivotal role in the daring rescue of six Irish prisoners from one of the world’s toughest prisons. After discovering a piece of the ship hidden in the museum’s collection, Erika Cosme recounts the audacious voyage of the Catalpa vessel and its crew.
RMS Lusitania: Casualty of War
Presenter: Erika Cosme
It was a time when traveling the seas was a combination of luxury and speed. Ships like RMS Lusitania were the pride of their nations. But the onset of WWI in 1914 would go on to impact the entire globe. Though America was determined to stay neutral, acts of unrestricted submarine warfare by the German Empire would eventually bring them into the war. Erika Cosme discusses how Lusitania disaster became one of the first events that would eventually draw our nation into the global conflict.
Titanic: Fate and Fortune
Presenter: Wisteria Perry
Built of iron and designed for unsurpassed luxury and comfort, the RMS Titanic set sail on her maiden voyage in April 1912. Yet she was not able to completed that first trip. Join The Mariners’ Museum and Park as we examine the facts and fiction surrounding this remarkable vessel and the disaster that brought about her final end. As told through the stories and images of some of her passengers and crew, we will take a glimpse at how three classes of passengers traveled on the once mighty ship, and how this famous maritime disaster helped bring about the changes that still affect modern day safety at sea.
RMS Carpathia
Presenter: Erika Cosme
When the RMS Titanic sank in 1912, the survivors were eventually rescued by another ship. RMS Carpathia’s story is often overshadowed by larger, more majestic ships of the day. Its legacy is best known as the ship that rescued Titanic passengers. Years before and after Titanic’s demise, Carpathia was in service as a passenger liner and served during World War I. Learn more about the RMS Carpathia’s life before, during, and after the tragic event which occurred in April 1912.
Forgotten Faces of Titanic
Presenter: Wisteria Perry
When the tragic tale of the Titanic is told, we often focus on the famous names: Astor, Guggenheim, and Straus. But among the thousands who sailed on that fateful voyage, there are many stories that are overlooked. Hear stories of those passengers from all over the world, including China, Haiti, and Egypt.
Ancient Waters: Greek Myths, Tales and Legends
Presenter: Erika Cosme
The Ancient Greeks were among the first people to venture out into the seas and waters known to the ancient world. Many of the characters and stories from their culture contain themes of water, and some of the greatest epic stories known to us still today take place throughout these waterways. From their history came mythological figures, tales of heroes, and mysteries of what wonders the waters held. Ancient Waters focuses on how the seas were viewed by the ancient Greeks, while introducing many central themes found in their stories, and a look at some of the deities that the Greeks feared and revered in their travels.
From the Motherland: The Legends and Tales of Africa
Presenter: Wisteria Perry
The continent of Africa is diverse with its own unique set of mythology, legends, and folktales that were inspired by the sea. Hear the stories and elements that shared between the cultures and that are still being told in today’s pop culture through movies and television.
Legendary Lands: Mediterranean Myths and Geography
Presenter: Erika Cosme
Ancient people, especially the Greeks and Romans, had unique ways of explaining the unexplainable. Why did earthquakes happen? How did the lands form? This program will cover ancient myths and geo-myths: stories that help explain geographical and geological events. This program of fact and fiction covers geography, history, and mythology. Come on a journey around the Mediterranean Sea to hear creative stories of dangerous monsters, beasts, heroes, gods, and other figures and how they helped form the world according to the ancients.
Sirens & Shipwrecks
Presenter: Erika Cosme
As long as humans have gone to sea in ships, the potential for danger awaits them. Early seafarers had many myths and lore as to what – or who – was responsible for a ship’s demise, including the alluring siren. Today, we know that there are many reasons which may cause a ship to wreck. Sirens & Shipwrecks takes a look at the early connection of sirens luring men and ships to their death, while examining modern causes for shipwrecks at sea.
Jack Tar On the Waterfront
Presenter: Ed Moore
“We Owe Allegiance To No Crown” spoke the American sailor during the Age of Revolution. The waterfront culture developing in Colonial America valued freedom of thought, freedom of travel, and freedom of lifestyle. Integrated by nationality, ethnicity and race, the Jack Tars challenged ideals, hierarchy and values, influencing first the waterfront then ultimately a society built on revolution and freedom.
John Paul Jones, Father of the American Navy
Presenter: Ed Moore
The ruthless American Naval hero of the Revolution had to fight his adopted nation – he was neither born in America nor was his last name Jones – for opportunity, recognition and command. Given his chance, he created the image of the fearless American Naval hero and brought the vaunted British Navy defeat and disgrace.
The Continental Navy
Presenter: Ed Moore
Even a patriot supporter called challenging the Royal Navy, “The maddest idea in the world.” Explores the decision behind creating a navy during the American Revolution, the effectiveness of the Continental Navy, and the decision to disband it after the war.
Torpedo Junction, the German U-Boat War on the American Coast
Presenter: Ed Moore
After Pearl Harbor, the United States Navy was sent to slow the Japanese in the Pacific, leaving the Atlantic Coast undefended from the German submarine onslaught. From Maine to Miami in the Atlantic, from Miami to New Orleans in the Gulf of Mexico, a few Coast Guard Cutters fought to slow the sinking of hundreds of Allied ships.
We Have Some Unfinished Business: the Prologue to the War of 1812
Presenter: Ron Lewis
Some believe the War of 1812 is the most controversial war in US History. It was fought at an unusual time. We were not prepared for it. There was no national consensus as to its necessity. The war was inconclusive, confusing and in some respects, pointless. Through sometimes brilliant strategies and alliances, we had secured our independence from Great Britain. Why now, just 25 years later, would we enter a second “war of independence?” We’ll explore the reasons for this conflict and challenge you to draw your own plan for response and retaliation to the British monarchy which, it seemed, might never release its grip on her Colonies.
Working for Victory: Women in World War I
Presenter: Erika Cosme
Women have always played a supporting roles during wartime. But it was WWI where they began moving from the background to the forefront of the war effort. The role they played changed how women were seen during times of combat including into the present.
Diamond Rock: A British Thorn in Napoleon’s Backside
Presented by Jeanne Willoz-Egnor
Hear the astounding story of the British occupation of Diamond Rock off Martinique during the
Napoleonic War.
The United States Navy in the Greek War of Independence
Presented by Jeanne Willoz-Egnor
Learn about the history of American commerce in the Mediterranean, Barbary piracy, the
establishment of the United States Navy, and its operations during the Greek War of
Eastern Woodland Native Inhabitants
Presenter: Erika Cosme
The eastern portion of present day North America was home to indigenous populations long before the arrival of Europeans. These native inhabitants survived off the land and waters for generations. Learn about the different groups, how they lived, and life before the invasions of European powers. Eastern Woodland Native Inhabitants shares stories and provides background to indigenous people of North America’s eastern region.
Foodways of the Americas
Presenter: Wisteria Perry
Prior to October 12, 1492, the Americas, both north and south, were teeming with plants, crops, animals, and more that had sustained indigenous populations for thousands of years and continue to play a major role in American cuisine today.
A Wondrous Ocean of Words: An Exploration and Workshop of Maritime Poetry
Presenter: Andrea Rocchio
The expansive and largely undiscovered waters of our world have mystified and united cultures and communities for centuries. Vast oceans and waterways have inspired spirited poetry that acts as a unique portal into intriguing maritime narratives. Participants will also have an opportunity to write a short maritime-themed poem and share their own maritime stories through verse.
The Songs of “Frail but Unconquerable Men:” Sea Shanties
Presented by Scott Russell
Music is ingrained in the culture and labor of sailors, and during the Age of Sail, they created a
category of work songs all their own known as sea shanties. These songs answer the important
question: who is “Rueben Ranzo?” Will a “Drop of Nelson’s Blood” really do us any harm? And,
“What do you do with a drunken sailor?” These songs are, as Frank Bullen puts it, “the last will
and testament” of sailors who’ve long since disappeared, and give us a glimpse into a world
where “the whole vast orchestra of the sea” was interrupted only by “the feeble piping of frail but
unconquerable men.”
Maritime TV Classics: JAG
Presented by Winston Favor
Take a deeper “dive” into the history, fun behind-the-scenes facts, and legacy of a popular TV
classic from the early 1990s.
Maritime TV Classics: Flipper
Presented by Cindi Verser
They call him Flipper, Flipper, faster than lightning…..! Discover the history, fun
behind-the-scenes facts, and legacy of this popular TV classic from the 1960s!
ARKitecture: Weathering Noah’s Storm
Presenter: Erika Cosme
Almost every culture has a version of a great flood that covers the earth in their anthology. Perhaps the most common version is the story of Noah and his ark, on which he brought two of every animal on board. But have you ever wondered not only what it would have taken to not only build a superstructure such as Noah’s Ark, but then to survive a great storm? Storms at sea, whether as part of lore or not, require skill and knowledge. Not only does the vessel need to be structurally sound, but you need to be prepared with supplies to help you withstand the storm for however long it lasts. ARKitecture uses the Great Flood story to show what went into their shipbuilding methods, especially those aspects which helped them prepare for, and survive a storm at sea.
Hidden Histories
Presenter: Wisteria Perry and Winston Favor
Come and discover all the ways we are connected to one another as we have uncovered some “Hidden Histories” within our Collection. With the help of the community and other sources, we are bringing recognition to individuals who were once unidentified and depicted in our collection but whose stories have not yet been told, including twenty-one African Americans who helped build the foundations of the Museum.
Karavakia: A Greek Holiday Tradition
Presenter: Erika Cosme
Holidays are a time to decorate and celebrate. “Karavakia” is a Greek holiday tradition celebrating the long history of Greece as a seafaring people. What makes “Karavakia” so special? Learn a little about Greece’s maritime history and how it is honored by decorating boats. Along the way, we will learn about how cultures across the globe celebrate the holiday season and how many of these traditions became a part of our holiday fun!
Sea and Space: Exploration of the Deep
Presenter: Erika Cosme
The sea is deep, extending miles below the earth’s surface. Space is high above us, extending lightyears beyond our comprehension. So what could these two elements have in common? More than you think! Exploration of these two still relatively unknown worlds have shown that the depths of the oceans and reaches of space have their differences, but in some ways are similar too. Both of these places are still being explored, and we are learning more about them each day. Through the Sea and Space: Exploration of the Deep program, audiences will get a history of what scientists and explorers have discovered, gain a comparison and contrast between sea and space, and look into the future of what exploration of these two mysterious locations will be.
The Hundred Year Race
Presenter: Dan Wood
For over a century, steamship companies from Europe and North America competed for a much-coveted prize that never officially existed: The “Blue Ribband”, claimed by the passenger ship with the fastest crossing of the North Atlantic Ocean. The list of title-holders is dominated by European ships, many of them truly legendary, but in the end it was the SS United States, built in Newport News, that set a record that has not been beaten by another transatlantic passenger ship since her maiden voyage in 1952.
The Tempestuous Autumn of 1867 on St. Croix and St. Thomas
Presenter: Andrea Rocchio
A hurricane, an earthquake, a tsunami, and a yellow fever epidemic struck the Caribbean Islands, including the islands of St. Croix and St. Thomas, during the autumn of 1867. These events offset the course of Virgin Island history for the next 50 years. Docked near off the shore of St. Croix was a former Civil War warship called the U.S.S. Monongahela, that had aboard a naval cutlass that is currently part of the Museum’s collection. During this talk, you will learn more about the story unveiled from the voice of our naval cutlass artifact, the geological conditions and evidence around the Caribbean Sea that led to the 1867 natural disasters, and the way we use art and stories to remember these tragic historical events to help us prepare for the future.
Three Men and a Baby
Presenter: Erika Cosme
“We Three Kings of Orient are…” This is a popular Christmas song which tells a unique story of three wise men. But have you ever thought who these men really were? Enjoy this holiday based program which unveils some of the unknown roots of the story which inspired the song, plus discusses the geography and history of the world during their epic journey.
A Tale of Two Literary Admirals: Horatio Hornblower Versus Jack Aubrey
Presented by Ron Lewis
Of the many books, fiction and non-fiction, written about the Royal Navy of England, one figure stands out as exceedingly memorable, and the numerous movies, novels, etc., about his fictitious life, attest to his popularity. His name was Horatio. No, not Horatio Nelson, Horatio Hornblower. He was the idol of a young boy’s eye and the superhero of his time. And he was only 17 when his story began! But, not too many years after his era came another. From the pen of Patrick O’Brian comes full-fledged Captain Jack Aubrey. Another Brit on his way up the ladder of title and distinction in the Royal Navy. Let’s explore the very parallel careers of these two gentlemen and look into the vast differences in almost every detail of their physical stature, character, approach to leadership challenges, natural talents and foibles, and even reactions to classical music and to swimming as recreation. Was it intention or coincidence that portrayed two so different characters of naval fiction? We’ll discuss opinions and argue the finer points of truth versus fiction.
The results may surprise you!
Wintery Wonderland
Presenter: Erika Cosme
The Holiday Season is a time to imagine the mystery and magic of the North Pole. Santa Clause will join us on a journey to his Arctic home in this light-hearted holiday-themed program. Learn about the animals who live there, the people who have explored this icy realm, and more. Join us in Wintery Wonderland to explore the North Pole. (Note: this is a shorter 30-minute program)
‘Gentlemen, Choose/Build Your Weapons’: Technology and the America’s Cup
Presenter: Jeanne Willoz-Egnor
Since 1851, the America’s Cup has been a story of advancing technology and innovation in yacht design. Learn about the advances made throughout the years and how they impacted the race and sailing industry.
One Helluva’ Comeback
Presenter: Jeanne Willoz-Egnor
NEW) The America’s Cup is the world’s oldest international sporting competition. In 2013, two teams competed in what became the longest and hardest-fought contest in America’s Cup history which many consider one of the greatest comebacks in sporting history. It’s the remarkable story of how one team pulled together and refused to give up despite facing overwhelming odds which contains lessons in leadership and teamwork everyone can learn from.
Speed and Innovation in the America’s Cup
Presenter: Jeanne Willoz-Egnor
Since 1851, the America’s Cup has been a story of advancing technology and innovation in yacht design. Learn about specific groundbreaking advances made during the Cup’s history with a concentration on modern technological developments from 2010 to 2021.
Blackbeard in the Americas
Presenter: Brandan Adams
One of the most feared pirates of the 18th century, Blackbeard wreaked havoc up and down the eastern seaboard of North America. But little is known about this historic figure. This presentation addresses the man, myth, and legend surrounding Blackbeard and his ties to the local Virginia and North Carolina area.
Fierce and Feminine: Female Pirates That Roamed the Seven Seas
Presenter: Wisteria Perry
Some joined due to necessity, others came seeking revenge, treasure, and fame. Uncover the stories behind some of history’s most famous and lesser-known pirate queens who ruled the seas.
The Colonial Republic of Pirates
Presenter: Ed Moore
As England, France and Spain contested Europe and the New World, a legion of men and women expert in sailing cut off the powers from their Caribbean holdings. Blackbeard, Calico Jack, Anne Bonny, Mary Read and a cast of thousands established the first Democratic Republic in the New World, reveling in their freedom and ability to wage warfare as professional thieves.
Mediterranean Pirates
Presenter: Ed Moore
For more than 200 years, pirates plundered the Mediterranean shipping routes from the harbors of North Africa, and American trade interests were not spared. Hear the story of President Thomas Jefferson’s war against the Barbary Pirates and how much significance the phrase “From the Halls of Montezuma to the Shores of Tripoli” truly means.
Beyond Shackles: The Fight for Freedom
Presenter: Wisteria Perry
By the mid-nineteenth century, not all African Americans were enslaved. Some were free, some were abolitionists and spies, and some were part of the Underground Railroad. Others became the first African Americans to contribute and serve aboard the US Navy’s first ironclad, the USS Monitor.
Fortifying History: European Ironclad Development
Presenter: Erika Cosme
In a battle of wooden ships versus iron ships, there is no contest – iron is supreme. The Battle of Ironclads in 1862 was a momentous event. But how did history get to this point? Encasing a ship in iron by the time the American Civil War began was not a new idea, but it was an improved one. This programs chronologies history’s development from wooden vessels to the early iron ships of the 19th century that went on to change navies throughout the globe.
Hunley: The Submarine That Made History
Presenter: Erika Cosme
War – what is it good for? While some would say “absolutely nothing,” that is not necessarily true. History has proven that technological advancements are a development of warfare. The American Civil War saw many of these advancements, such as the ironclad ship USS Monitor and its turret. During this time period, down in South Carolina, another vessel made history below the water’s surface. It was a submarine called Hunley. But to this day, a great mystery surrounds the story of the submarine and its demise. Learn how the Hunley became the first submarine to sink a ship during war and discover the mystery behind what ultimately happened to the vessel and its crew.
Harriet Tubman: Conductor, Spy, “General”
Presenter: Laurie King
Harriet Tubman is most commonly known for her actions as a conductor in the Underground Railroad, repeatedly crossing into slave territory to lead enslaved friends and families to freedom. However, this is only one part of Tubman’s life. Between her work as an abolitionist and humanitarian, and serving as a nurse, scout and spy for the Union Army, Tubman spent her life fighting for freedom and justice. Join us as we delve into the life of Harriet Tubman and explore the endeavors of this American heroine.
Women of the Chesapeake Bay
Presenter: Wisteria Perry
The lives of women have always been an integral component of the story about life on the estuaries that make up Tidewater Virginia. Using artifacts, documents, and illustrations from the museum’s collection, hear the stories of women’s contributions to the communities, economy, transportation, and culture of the Chesapeake Bay.
“This is my war too!” The Women’s Army Corps during World War II
Presenter: Laurie King
The Women’s Army Corps (WAC) was formed at the beginning of World War II, as the United States realized the need for more service members. While not allowed to participate in combat, the WAC’s motto was “free up a man to fight” by stepping into the support roles, such as switchboard operator, mechanic, and much more. Over 600 WACs served at the Hampton Roads Port of Embarkation; even more, were shipped out via HRPE to serve overseas. Join us to explore the lives of servicewomen on the peninsula during WWII.
“We can do it!” Women’s War Effort during World War II
Presenter: Laurie King
When the United States joined World War II, every available hand was needed. While period gender roles may have prevented women from serving equitably to men, many women lent their time and energy to aid the war effort. Some joined military service groups, like the Women’s Army Corps and the Army Nurse Corps. Others volunteered with their local Red Cross or USO group. The Hampton Roads Port of Embarkation saw thousands of women volunteering through these groups and more. Join us as we explore the lives of military and civilian women on the peninsula during World War II.
Caffeinated Cup: A Brief History of Coffee
Presenter: Wisteria Perry
A cup of Joe, java, go juice, rocket fuel! Coffee has been known by many names and has been an essential part of human culture for centuries! Discover the legend and maritime history behind one of the world’s most enjoyed beverages!
Mediterranean Flavors: The Cuisine of Three Continents
Presenter: Wisteria Perry
The cuisine that developed around the Mediterranean Sea basin was not a product of a specific group or culture. It was a product of maritime trade, warfare, cultural influences, and exchanges. Hear how cuisine can tell us so much about a civilization, both past and present.
Presenter: Wisteria Perry
Tea has been embedded in the annals of human history throughout the centuries. Hear the fascinating origins and maritime history of the second most popular beverage in the world!
UnWINEding Origins
Presenter: Erika Cosme
Have you ever wondered how wine became a global phenomenon? Why are Italy, France, and California so well-known for their viniculture? UnWINEding Origins introduces the earliest cultures who created wine and how it spread to become a drink enjoyed by the masses.
Why Rum Enabled the Men to Fight
Presenter: Ed Moore
As an enemy ship tacks to within 30 yards to bring 256 pounds of iron shot into broadside position, the sailors stand fast to absorb the carnage. “For Queen and Country” has a nice ring, but bravery needs a boost. Hear how a simple beverage gave some the notion sometimes to do the impossible!
Why Waste A Perfectly Good Bottle of Champagne On A Ship?
Presenter: Cindi Verser
Mystery, history, legends, and humor involve the long-standing traditions of christening and launching ships.
Contact Us
MaryAnn Steinmiller
Group Experiences Coordinator
[email protected]
(757) 591-7731