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  • Pumped Up About Metals Conservation

    • Civil War
    • Collections
    • Conservation
    • Science
    • USS Monitor

    Meet Amelia Hammond, The Mariners' 2024 summer conservation intern. In this blog, she discusses the Worthington pump’s water end - a key artifact from USS Monitor - and her planned conservation work on this object. 

  • Battle of Hampton Roads Commemoration Day

    Saturday, March 9, 2024 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM

    Spend a historic day with us as we partner with the NOAA Monitor National Marine Sanctuary to commemorate the Battle of Hampton Roads.

  • Conserving the Leifr Eiriksson statue

    From the scale of the project to operating that tricky lift, experience all the action directly from our intern Marimar and Senior Objects Conservator Erik's point of view in this video!

  • Bronze Doors Conservation Project

    Conserving the doors is a visible commitment to our purpose as an institution and to the community we strive to serve each day. Watch as our Conservation team devoted many weeks this summer to bringing these icons back to the way the artist intended.

  • Conserving Princess Carolina

    This is a conservation story about Princess Carolina, the oldest surviving North American built merchant vessel. It is a unique ship, built a little differently than most we know.

  • Science Smorgasbord

    • Conservation
    • Science

    As his time at The Mariners’ Museum and Park comes to a close, Conservation Science Intern Harrison Biggs offers an overview of his work.

  • Uncharted Waters: Overcoming Challenges in Sulfur Extraction Experiments

    • Conservation
    • Science

    Conducting scientific experiments comes with challenges but ultimately provides valuable information for developing conservation treatments.

  • A Mast, Ye Matey: A Princess Carolina Update

    • Collections
    • Conservation
    • Cultural Heritage

    Watch how our Conservation team moved Princess Carolina's mizzenmast from the work space, to the freezer, to its resting place!

  • Making an Entrance: Conserving the Bronze Doors

    • Art
    • Collections
    • Conservation

    The Bronze Doors have been treated! See how our Conservation team treated these iconic pieces this summer.

  • The Gunda-low-down: Using Science to Examine River Boats

    • Conservation
    • Science

    The discovery of a river boat in 1990 spurred a period of research into the Shenandoah Valley’s elusive single use boat, but 30 years later we find ourselves questioning the boat's identity… with Science!

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